News on ‘Jake and the Dynamo’

I’ve not been too active here lately, I realize. I’m trying to figure out some things on the book promotion front. I’m new to this, and arguably behind, as there were probably more things I should have done before the publication, but this isn’t something I’ve done before.

Anyway, author John C. Wright was nice enough to give Jake and the Dynamo a plug. You can see it here. He also showcases some of the art by Roffles Lowell.

Speaking of Lowell, he informs me that he just finished the book himself, which he didn’t have the chance to read in its final form before publication. He writes:

I’m really blown away, man. I’ve been itching to see what you did in terms of revision, and while I’m only halfway through as of the time of this writing, I want to commend you. The improvement I’m seeing blows me away.

It’s funny, reading it the first time around I never said to myself, oh, this is a problem, or this seems amateurish, etc. But you really brought this to the next level. The pacing is tighter, the characterizations are sharper, the banter flows more naturally. I like how organically you integrated the exposition into each scene, so that all the intricacies of the setting fill themselves in gradually, never making you feel like you’re pausing for a history lesson. I especially like the way you worked up the relationship between Jake and Ralph. Ralph’s family being fleshed out further really gives a good feel for what normality in this world must be like. It gives you a better sense of what goes through Jake’s head when he sets himself up like a surrogate brother to Dana, despite her behavior towards him. …

… I really like how you brought out the Faust elements more explicitly here than in the serialized version. The ambiguity wasn’t fruitful, I think, and now things are much punchier. It’s like you confront postmodern magical girl nihilism head on, and then move right along into subverting it.

So there you have it. If you do read the book, be so kind as to leave an Amazon review. I don’t ask for a good review, of course, but do leave a remark. It helps us newbs get noticed.

Author: D. G. D. Davidson

D. G. D. Davidson is an archaeologist, librarian, Catholic, and magical girl enthusiast. He is the author of JAKE AND THE DYNAMO.