‘ViVid Strike!’

Image of character from ViVid Strike! adjusting her hair

It might be a bit before I finally produce the review of Made in Abyss that I’ve promised. I’m working on my book today instead, and I should probably consider higher priority.

I’m also trying to figure out the new interface for WordPress, which is an improvement over the old one in some respects, but deeply frustrating in others. They added some handy new features, but for some reason also stripped down the WYSIWYG editor, so to do some of the formatting I used to use routinely, I now have to write in-line CSS . Go figure. And there’s not even a button to insert ordered lists; I mean, that’s basic HTML, and this editor can’t handle it. Good thing I know some HTML.

I’ve decided that, after Made in Abyss, the next series I tackle will be ViVid Strike!, which is the last series in the Lyrical Nanoha franchise available on Amazon Prime. After that, I intend to drop the service: Amazon Prime is expensive, and its selection is lousy for an anime fan. For someone interested in magical girls, Lyrical Nanoha is probably its biggest draw, and even then, its selection is disappointing: it has none of the movies, and it’s missing ViVid, the series that comes after StrikerS and before ViVid Strike!

I haven’t started it yet, but ViVid Strike! is supposed to be fairly violent series, with more physical combat and fewer magical attacks than its predecessors.

Once I’m done with Amazon, I’ll probably subscribe to HIDIVE, which I can get for only five bucks a month (a third of Amazon’s price), and start working through their catalog. After I’ve eliminated everything of immediate interest that they have, I’ll likely end up subscribed to the complete VRV package and return to Crunchyroll in spite of my increased misgivings. But I’ll put that off for as long as I can to give them time either to clean up their act or crash and burn completely.

So … that’s all I have for today. I’m just too pissed off at WordPress to write any more. I mean, is it too much to ask to have a blog editor that can insert numbered lists or special characters? And whatever happened to my ability to indent paragraphs?

Author: D. G. D. Davidson

D. G. D. Davidson is an archaeologist, librarian, Catholic, and magical girl enthusiast. He is the author of JAKE AND THE DYNAMO.