Blasters and Blades Podcast

Blasters and Blades

Recently, I gave an interview to the podcast Blasters and Blades, so it’s only fair I give them a shout-out, though my interview won’t go online until late October (I’ll let you know when).

You can find the podcast several ways, one of the easiest being their YouTube channel.

I got onto the Blasters and Blades podcast thanks to Declan Finn, a prolific pulp author who gave the podcast’s hosts several recommendations for interviewing new talent.

I was on the podcast discussing Rags and Muffin, of course. This was my first podcast interview, but I think I acquitted myself fairly well. I likely droned a little, and since I was nervous, I made a few silly mistakes: For example, I’m reasonably sure that, in describing the technology of the book, I accidentally implied that I thought there were no electronics in the 1980s. Aside from that, I don’t think I came across as too terribly stupid.

So check out their channel, and I’ll let you know when my interview goes live.

Author: D. G. D. Davidson

D. G. D. Davidson is an archaeologist, librarian, Catholic, and magical girl enthusiast. He is the author of JAKE AND THE DYNAMO.