Bing Image Creator Tries Drawing Magical Girl Pretty Dynamo

I think this will be my last post on this subject at least for a while, lest this simply turn into a blog of AI-generated art, but I want to report on what happened when I tried to get Bing to produce images of the protagonist from Jake and the Dynamo.

I did this in two different sessions and got very different results each time, though I notice certain similarities running throughout. This isn’t exactly scientific, so I can’t tell you the exact prompts I used, but each one was a variation or slight modification of this:

Skinny ten-year-old electricity-themed magical girl, powder puff tutu, blue and gold breastplate, blue and gold metal boots, bare midriff, simple gold tiara, long blue pigtails, green eyes, holding shield and spear, motif of heart with lightning bolt through it appearing on shield and armor, riding a flying snowboard over an Art Deco city.

I got hit by the “dangerous content” warning inconsistently and seemingly at random, though it appeared more often if I specified either “photorealistic” or “anime-style.” Undoubtedly, the young age of the character is what was triggering it.

I also found it absolutely cannot draw a young girl in fantasy armor. Almost every generation came out looking like a teenager or adult, and almost every one of them was busty with armor designed to accent her cleavage. This is no doubt because of the fantasy art on which the generator has been trained.

Pretty Dynamo as adult
“Photorealistic” Dynamo.

It did, early on, try to make child-like characters, but they inevitably came out as oppai lolis, some of which were rather disturbing. I tried to tweak the prompt to stop that from happening, but it either made no difference or hit me with the “dangerous content” warning again. The generator does not recognize operators like no or not or the minus sign. Ironically, I was trying to tone the resulting images down, but that made the problem worse.

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