Initial Notes on ‘Wedding Peach’

I managed to finish all of Saint Tail, but I have nothing to add to my earlier review. It’s an undemanding but sweet story, and I recommend it.

I’ve moved from there to some other mid-9os magical girl titles. I’m right now watching Magic User’s Club, which Nozomi Entertainment has kindly added to its YouTube channel. I am also reading the manga version of Wedding Peach, which I am having to gather slowly, piecemeal, much as I did with Saint Tail.

Wedding Peach is a title that a lot of magical girl fans love to hate, mostly because it appeared a mere three years after Sailor Moon and closely resembles it. Its creator, Sukehiro Tomita, was in fact a writer on the Sailor Moon anime. Wedding Peach has the same relation to Sailor Moon that Day Break Illusion has to Puella Magi Madoka Magica: it’s a little too obvious in its coattail-riding, so it provokes some ire.

That being said, I like what I’ve seen of it so far. The manga, at least, one-ups Sailor Moon in its art quality (not that that’s hard). The characters are likable, and the action is a tad gritty, with an unexpected amount of blood and bruising. Continue reading “Initial Notes on ‘Wedding Peach’”