‘Jake and the Dynamo’ Nominated for an Award

I confess I’ve never before heard of Happy Frogs, but it is apparently a fledgling organization with some interest in promoting science fiction and fantasy.

The Frogs’ recently created Ribbit Award has this year been renamed the John W. Campbell Literary Prize because WorldCon recently relinquished the name of the famed sf editor for its award for new fiction. I had caught wind of that name change a few months ago and didn’t quite believe it, but it is apparently real.

In any case, Jon Del Arroz recently announced the nominees for the newly minted Campbell award, and Jake and the Dynamo is a nominee for Best Fantasy Novel. I am just arrogant enough to say that, if nothing else, I am confident it is the funniest book on the nomination list.

I am of course honored and humbled. This couldn’t come at a better time, either, since the sequel is due for a release in the near future.

In any case, remember to vote early and vote often if you think magical girls deserve a larger place at the table in the world of speculative fiction.

I certainly think they deserve a larger place. I mean, have you seen the way they eat?