New Review Tomorrow

I just recently finished reading that cult classic of manga about deceptive cuteness and body horror, Alien Nine, which, sadly, was never completely adapted into an anime because the OVA series ran out of money midway through. I should probably have a review up tomorrow, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around its allegory … something about sex being terrifying. And funny hats.

But for now, I’m going to go work on Jake and the Dynamo.

Moving Along …

Source unknown.

I’m heading out of town soon as I’m moving to my new place. I may disappear for a few days.

J&tD Delayed

And just for a quick update, I am currently working a night shift, and next week I’ll be moving and preparing to start school. Chapter 19 of Jake and the Dynamo is drafted, but my writers’ group informs me that it’s not ready to go. As you could likely guess from the end of chapter 18, it’s mostly an action sequence (like about every other chapter, by design).

The action sequences take me longer to get ship-shape than the other parts, so I’ll probably let it percolate for at least a week while I work on chapter 20. As mentioned before, I’d like to work on getting my buffer back, so even though I managed to race out chapter 18 last week, I’m going to put this officially on hiatus. For real this time.

New Essay –> Sci Phi Journal

Featured art by BeningK.

Crazy times over here.  I’m preparing to move and then to go back to school … again.

But other things are still happening.  I’m spending this afternoon (it’s actually my morning because I’m working nights now) finalizing and submitting an essay to Sci Phi Journal: The Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy, a site I recommend you check out if you haven’t heard of it.  It publishes new fiction, some reprints, and philosophical essays using sf as a jumping-off point.

But it suffers a lack of magical girls. I’m sending in an article entitled “Justice Tempered with Cuteness: Moral Development and Retributive Justice in Craig McCracken’s Powerpuff Girls.” If that doesn’t get accepted there, I’ll post it here instead.

If it does get accepted there, I’ll start another essay on metaphysical concepts in Shugo Chara!, which I’ve been meaning to write for a while but haven’t gotten to yet.

I’m also working on the next part of Jake and the Dynamo, of course. And I’m making my way through a second viewing of Revolutionary Girl Utena, which I am proud to own in the limited edition remastered box set, and about which I’ll write when I’m finished.

I also recently read Herman Hesse’s Jungian/Nietzschean/Gnostic novel Demian, which inspired Utena, in the hope I would therein find the master key to understanding this most esoteric of magical girl anime. Reading a classic of German literature in order to understand a Japanese cartoon sounds backwards, but hey, whatever gets them reading, right? This is only the second Hesse novel I’ve read, and I’m now wishing I had greater knowledge of his corpus.

Also, as a heads-up to anyone who cares, a boxed set of the Revolutionary Girl Utena manga, which differs significantly from the anime as the two were made at the same time by different people, is set to release on February 7 of next year. I know I’ll be getting one. I just can’t get enough sexual-neurosis-induced-crisis-reaching-catharsis-through-swordfighting.

J&tD Will Continue in the Next Few Days

Featured image from Rocket News 24.

I’m going to be off my regular update schedule for this week. The next chapter of Jake and the Dynamo is almost ready to go, but its final section needs some work, and I can’t afford to stay up late tonight. It should post tomorrow or the next day.

After that, it may be on a brief hiatus, as things have been hectic and I’ve lost my buffer. Chapter 18 is about half written.

Should also have another review up this week.

Updates and Delays

Featured image: “Magical Patisserie Kosaki ~ Haru Chan” by SylphineSnowphire

I was laid off recently, and I’ve been working temp jobs, so my schedule has become screwy. The sixteenth chapter of Jake and the Dynamo has been edited on paper, but I still have to put the edits into the uploadable version, and I need to add a short, additional section.

The chapter won’t go up tonight, but depending on my work schedule tomorrow, I might be able to post by late tomorrow afternoon. If that doesn’t work out, it will go up later in the week.

Jake and the Dynamo Tonight!

Featured image: “Alpha Ultimate Magical Girl” by Lun-art.

Haven’t been on much as I’ve been busy, but I have finished editing chapter 14 of Jake and the Dynamo, so the story will update tonight as usual.

I intend to spend the rest of the day drafting another chapter, but I have a review in the works that will go up tomorrow or in the near future if I have time. Of course, I also need to finish an essay for another venue, so I might need to do that instead.

Jake and the Dynamo tonight!

Feature image: “LET IT GO” by GreenTeaNeko.

I spent the day editing chapter 13 of Jake and the Dynamo, which is set to update tonight as usual.

Art and Update

Featured image: title and artist unknown. Found on Rachel Renee’s wattpad account during an image search. This is probably what Sailor Moon would look like if Hollywood got hold of it. Not sure if want.

I haven’t been around enough because I’ve got a few different things on my plate, and any time I previously dedicated to writing and blogging I should probably spend job-hunting. Chapter 13 of Jake and the Dynamo should go up tomorrow at midnight as usual even if it kills me, but after that, there may be a hiatus, probably not longer than a couple of weeks (meaning one update will get missed).

My time online is also being consumed with bringing J&tD up-to-date on the other sites where it’s hosted. But once those are caught up with this blog, then they’ll update weekly as well, and will become less time-consuming. At present, they update daily.

I’ll try to avoid saying this very often, but don’t forget we have Patreon and Paypal accounts. Absolutely no pressure, as the content is free, but if you feel like living a tip, we’d be most grateful.

Go ahead … make my Independence Day.

Historically accurate featured image by Sharpwriter.

I’ve been out of town, so the site hasn’t seen many posts, but Jake and the Dynamo will update tonight as usual. For freedom.