Writing Update

I’m 75,000 words into Jake and the Dynamo: Dead to Rites, the sequel to The Wattage of JusticeIt looks as if the second book is going to be considerably longer than the first one, as there’s still a lot of story to deal with.

Both books are similar in that, at least from the author’s perspective, it’s all about trying to get the characters to a certain place. The writing of the first novel was driven entirely by my desire to get Jake and Dana to a restaurant. The second is driven by my desire to get them to a rock concert.

‘StrikerS’ Incoming

I have a lot of things planned for tomorrow, including some aggressive advancement on the sequel to Jake and the Dynamo as well as some time spent on promotion, something I’m not good at and am woefully behind on.

I am also hoping—against hope, perhaps—to finish up Magical GIrl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS, the third anime series in the popular and over-praised Lyrical Nanoha franchise. It’s curious to observe how this title has evolved from its humble roots as a clumsily written dating sim spinoff to a sprawling science-fantasy actioner afflicted with Star Trek: The Next Generation levels of technobabble. But more on that later.

Anyway, if you happen to have read my book, I’m asking that you take the time to post an honest review. I’ll try not to harp on that too much, but it’s very helpful to us newbie authors.


Literally Madoka

This is kind of old and it isn’t entirely safe for work, but we were probably destined to post it here sooner or later.

I’m on a writing kick at the moment, working to move ahead on the sequel to Jake and the Dynamo. Don’t forget it’s on sale. And if you do read it, kindly leave an honest review.

Being Führer is suffering.

Public Service Announcement

So I came across this little gem today. It goes on a little too long and falls a tad flat at the end, but on the whole, I think it’s kind of clever.

Art Post: Image by SeenasArt (and some other stuff)

Featured image: “Magical Rena” by SeenasArt.

We haven’t had an art post in a while, so I thought it was time for one. Gazing on magical girls is just so … so soothing …

Also, I found one of those stupid online quizzes, this one asking the question, “Would you be a magical girl?” It’s posed like a personality test, though it’s really more of a test of how well you know the genre’s tropes. I probably could have got 100% if it hadn’t asked me my age and sex. Anyway, props to me:

Would You be a Magical Girl?
Your Result: You are a regular magical girl!
Though well grounded in realism, your desire to help others eventually leads you to become a magical girl. You gain sympathy from others, but aren’t close friends with anyone. Once you realize your destiny of becoming a witch, you quickly fall into despair due to loneliness.

You are a nurturing magical girl!

You are the heroine of all magical girls!

You are a mysterious magical girl!

You would not become a magical girl.


Uh … reading that more closely, I just realized it’s based on Madoka. Dammit, why is everything Madoka these days?

Oh, and don’t forget I have a novel out. Have I mentioned that? Get it here. Expect the paperback in a few days.

The League of Extraordinary Grade-Schoolers, Part 8


Chapter 8: Ivy and Bean

Although Nancy now wore her full magical girl outfit, the other girls had nothing but their housecoats. That apparently didn’t bother Junie B., who was too tough to need shoes and too young to understand modesty, but Judy and Amelia clutched the coats about themselves as the rain quickly saturated the terrycloth.

“Time to find out of this works,” said Cam. She raised a hand into the air, much as Nancy had earlier done—but she didn’t give any miniature speech in French. Instead, to Nancy’s shock, she threw off her housecoat, and a suit of metal, like closefitting armor, unfolded across her wiry body. It looked like glossy black plate trimmed with shiny chrome at its edges, and in the joints were what looked like thick blue fabric. Above her temples appeared little boxes that blinked with LED lights. The outfit wasn’t the kind of thing Nancy especially liked, but she had to admit it was pretty in its own way, and Cam somehow looked noble in it, though it might look silly on someone else.

Cam glanced down at herself and flexed her hands in her shiny black gauntlets. “Looks like the nanoprobes finished building my exoskeleton,” she said. “That’s a relief.”

With that, she raised her right hand and pointed it at the robot. A long tube unfolded from the vambrace on her forearm and flashed rhythmically, making the staccato thud thud thud of an automatic gun. A small opening appeared in her wrist and ejected spent shell casings.

Continue reading “The League of Extraordinary Grade-Schoolers, Part 8”

At Long Last: ‘Amulet,’ Volume 8

If you’re not familiar with Amulet, the all-ages graphic novel series by Kazu Kibuishi, you should ask yourself what you’ve been doing with your life.

Kibuishi was the mastermind behind the incredibly good Flight anthology, and he started Amulet—a grim but family-friendly science fiction/fantasy mashup—many, many moons ago. In fact, I first heard of the series back when I was closely following Jeff Smith, creator of Bone, so that should have been, oh, a good decade past. Indeed, the Wikipedia page indicates that the first volume made its appearance in 2008.

Comic panel depicting an underground village

Continue reading “At Long Last: ‘Amulet,’ Volume 8”

‘Jake and the Dynamo’ Book Launch!

The long-awaited day has arrived. Book one of the Jake and the Dynamo saga, The Wattage of Justice, the first American light novel from Superversive Press, is now available.

Here’s the link.

And here’s the book trailer:

The Kindle version is currently available. The paperback will come available within a few days.

This book features:

  • Revised text
  • New chapter
  • Full-color illustrations by Roffles Lowell
  • Bonus short story, “Eye of Fire: From the Casefiles of the Ragamuffin”

Read about it on the Superversive Blog, where Ben Zwycky describes the novel as a “gloriously over-the-top satire.”

And visit my new Amazon author’s page.